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All Articles tagged "Home Learning"


The Power of TALKing Early and Often with Young Children

Rollins Staff July 23, 2021

Did you know that vocabulary development begins long before children know how to speak? From birth to pre-k, children’s brains develop faster than at any other point in their development. They yearn to soak up…


Using Open-Ended Questions to Engage Your Child in Meaningful Conversation

Rollins Staff June 18, 2020

“Why don’t I have a tail?” “Why do zebras have stripes?” “Why do birds poop on cars?” Kids are full of questions – some we wish someone else could answer! I may not have all…


Language Nutrition: Keeping Your Child’s Brain Healthy and Strong

Rollins Staff May 13, 2020

We all know proper nutrition and regular exercise are very important for our children’s bodies to grow (and stay) strong and healthy. But did you know nutrition and exercise also play a big part in…


Let’s Play: Math Games to Enjoy at Home

Rollins Staff March 30, 2020

While many of us are spending a lot more time at home, you may be struggling to think of ways to continue your child’s cognitive development and still take care of household chores.  Use these…


Let’s Play: Fun Vocabulary-Building Games for the Whole Family

Rollins Staff March 26, 2020

Family game night is a wonderful way to bond, relax a bit, and have fun! Here are two easy vocabulary-building games you can play as a family. I’m Thinking of a Word… Materials: Photographs, pictures,…