With our children so immersed in our now digital world, will learning to read be even more difficult?

Dr. Maryanne Wolf, internationally recognized scholar, author, and literacy advocate, will explore the future of deep reading while we depend evermore on digital media. Join colleagues from around the world in this free video lecture.

Video Lecture Details:

Speaker: Dr. Maryanne Wolf
Date: Thursday, March 12 at 7 PM – 9 PM EST
Location: Wherever you are, because we have gone VIRTUAL! The video lecture will be available on this page from any computer or mobile device. (don’t worry, the video won’t be private beginning at 7 PM EST)
Hosted by: Atlanta Speech School’s Cox Campus

This lecture is part of a two-part series with Dr. Maryanne Wolf. Also join us for Friday’s discussion, Eradicating Illiteracy in Our Time.

Do you have a question for Dr. Maryanne Wolf? Submit your question below or post your question to twitter with #ReaderComeHomeQA and she will be answering after the lecture.