Talking with babies matters. Sharing how and why with families matters even more.


When we talk with babies, we nourish them with language and put them on the path to learning to read and a lifetime of opportunities.

Building on the relationships teachers and caregivers already have with families, this free, online course prepares you to step into a new role as a Talk with Me Baby Coach, empowering and supporting families as they engage in meaningful conversations with young children. Completion of this course can earn Georgia teachers 4 Bright from the Start Credits.

Partnering with families is the key to children’s healthy development.


The most meaningful impact anyone can have on children’s lives is to ensure they get the language nutrition their brains need to develop. Talk With Me Baby is all about how you can share skills with families, to empower them to engage in critical, brain-building conversations with children.

Every single touch point you have with a child’s family can be transformed into a powerful coaching moment, as you model skills, share messages and encourage practice.

Brains are built one word and one hug at a time.


Created in partnership with the Harvard Center on the Developing Child and Georgia’s Better Brains for Babies, two “Build My Brain” lessons embedded in this course offer insight into how a child’s early experiences shape brain architecture. Learn how developing relationships with infants and toddlers and engaging them as conversational partners prepares their brains to learn and grow.

What can teachers and parents expect?


A few minutes a day can have an enormous impact on your children. Join our campus to start this free course today.