Early Learning | Pre-K Leaders: Strengthening Language-Centered Ecosystems for Children

Children’s development is influenced by the multiple systems in which they exist, starting with their immediate home environment, and expanding to systems at the community and society level. All of these systems combine to create a complex web of possible influences, connecting child, family, and environment. In addition to the home and family, a child’s development is impacted by childcare, school, caregivers, teachers, and peers; the economic and health conditions affecting the family; cultural values and norms; and political, economic, and social issues affecting a community. Together, all of these comprise the child’s ecosystem.

Nine essential elements contribute to a language-centered ecosystem where children learn and thrive.  This session will review the elements which significantly contribute to children’s language and literacy development as a foundation for reading, recognizing that cognitive, social, and emotional development are deeply intertwined.

They are summarized in the graphic below.

9 Essential Elements