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All Articles tagged "TALK Strategy"


Honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day in the Classroom

Rollins Staff October 5, 2024

“The most American thing about America is American Indians.” —Paul Chaat Smith (Comanche)  Columbus Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October each year and is a recognition of the Italian explorer “discovering” land…


March is Women’s History Month – Celebrate with these Books!

Rollins Staff March 2, 2023

Happy Women’s History Month! The origins of this celebratory month began in 1981 as “Women’s History Week,” and has since evolved to include a monthlong celebration of the contributions women have made in the United…


The Power of TALKing Early and Often with Young Children

Rollins Staff July 23, 2021

Did you know that vocabulary development begins long before children know how to speak? From birth to pre-k, children’s brains develop faster than at any other point in their development. They yearn to soak up…


Celebrating Black History Month with Your Children

Rollins Staff January 29, 2021

February is the month we annually observe and celebrate the contributions of Black Americans through Black History Month. The tradition began in 1926, when historian Carter G. Woodson, PhD and the Association for the Study…


Language Nutrition: Keeping Your Child’s Brain Healthy and Strong

Rollins Staff May 13, 2020

We all know proper nutrition and regular exercise are very important for our children’s bodies to grow (and stay) strong and healthy. But did you know nutrition and exercise also play a big part in…


How to Have Meaningful Conversations with Preschoolers & Pre-K Children

Rollins Staff April 10, 2019

You’ve probably heard the phrase “kids say the darndest things.” But if you are a teacher, parent, or have spent any time around a child, you know it’s true.  Kids will make you laugh, shock…