Dual Language Learners (DLLs) are children who are learning and developing in more than one language. In the US, 1 in 4 children under 8 are Dual Language Learners. Each one is given a precious gift by their family: the gift of their first language and home culture.
As educators, we must give DLLs the opportunity to learn successfully by making this gift a part of everything we do in our classrooms.
Community Discussion Questions & Classroom Resources
DLLs are eager to share their gift with others in their classroom community, but most importantly, they rely on this valuable gift to access the knowledge they have gained about the world and to continue to grow and learn as they develop their English.
How are you supporting the dual language learners in your classroom as they learn and develop in two languages? What are some ways that you bring home language and culture of DLLs into your classroom?
To learn more about Dual Language Learners and how to integrate the gift of their home language and culture into your classroom, check out some additional resources on the Cox Campus.

Dual Language Learner Courses Coming Soon
Created for preschool/Pre-K educators, Cox Campus’ DLL Course will discuss the benefits of billingualism, strategies for embracing home culture and language in the classroom, and how to build support from parents along the way.