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Articles for Families


Nuestro tema: Los animales

Rollins Staff April 30, 2020

¡Bienvenidos! Nuestro tema: Los animales El tema de los animales es uno de los más llamativos para los niños pequeños. A la mayoría de los niños les encantan los animales y muchos muestran gran interés…


Responsive Interactions & Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Rollins Staff April 29, 2020

REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE! This Earth Day TALK, READ, PLAY theme is filled with learning opportunities for you and your child that will last long beyond Earth Day – which really is what Earth Day is…


Benefits of a Visual Daily Schedule for Children

Rollins Staff April 29, 2020

“The days are long, but the years are short.” This adage is frequently shared with parents or caregivers of young children. But the days – particularly during the uncertainty of this pandemic – are likely…


Nuestro tema: Los amigos

Rollins Staff April 27, 2020

¡Bienvenidos! Nuestro tema: Los amigos Para los niños, tener amigos es parte esencial del desarrollo. La amistad es uno de los valores más importantes a desarrollar. Para que la amistad sea efectiva, hace falta el…


Nuestro tema: Todo sobre mí mismo

Rollins Staff April 22, 2020

¡Bienvenidos! Nuestro tema: Todo sobre mí mismo La identidad o concepto de sí mismo es el conjunto de características y habilidades que nos definen como persona. Los padres pueden motivar a los niños a ser…


Nuestro tema: La familia

Rollins Staff April 18, 2020

¡Bienvenidos! Nuestro tema: La Familia La familia son aquellas personas más allegadas, que nos quieren, comprenden y se preocupan por nosotros. Son las que nos ayudan y no nos dejan solos cuando más los necesitamos. La…


Hablemos, leamos y juguemos para aprender

Rollins Staff April 16, 2020

 For a similar experience in English, click here for free at-home learning support. Los padres son los primeros maestros del niño. Muchos padres se preguntarán “¿qué puedo hacer para continuar apoyando el aprendizaje de mis…


Talk, Read, & Play 101

Rollins Staff April 2, 2020

As we settle into this “new normal,” many of us are trying to find the answer to the same question. What should at-home learning look like for my family? You may be feeling overwhelmed balancing…


Let’s Play: Words & Sounds

Rollins Staff April 1, 2020

“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great… FALL!” “The itsy, bitsy spider crawled up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider… OUT!” It’s nearly impossible to resist…


Thriving in the “New Normal” Through Predictability and Routine

Rollins Staff March 31, 2020

In these unprecedented recent events, most families have had their daily schedules and routines turned upside down. And because no one is really sure how long this will last, or exactly what the future looks…


Let’s Play: Math Games to Enjoy at Home

Rollins Staff March 30, 2020

While many of us are spending a lot more time at home, you may be struggling to think of ways to continue your child’s cognitive development and still take care of household chores.  Use these…


Let’s Play: Fun Vocabulary-Building Games for the Whole Family

Rollins Staff March 26, 2020

Family game night is a wonderful way to bond, relax a bit, and have fun during these challenging times. Here are two easy vocabulary-building games you can play as a family. I’m Thinking of a…