REMINDER: We are working to enhance the Cox Campus learning experience and community. Learn more about our updates.
“The most American thing about America is American Indians.” —Paul Chaat Smith (Comanche) Columbus Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October each year and is a recognition of the Italian explorer “discovering” land…
Here are some ways you can incorporate Black History month activities into your lessons.
Happy Women’s History Month! The origins of this celebratory month began in 1981 as “Women’s History Week,” and has since evolved to include a monthlong celebration of the contributions women have made in the United…
Looking to elevate your Black History lessons this month? We’ve got you covered! Rollins for Language and Literacy facilitators have compiled activities – distinguished by age group – to help you lead engaging, inclusive discussions…
Winter is the perfect season to introduce children to the rich diversity of experiences our world offers through learning around the seasonal holidays and festivities around the globe. Children love learning about different cultures and…
November is Native American Heritage Month, a great time to uplift and celebrate the histories, traditions, and contributions of the diverse, multifaceted Native American cultural groups in our country! Last month we shared tips on Honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day in the Classroom to highlight the importance of giving a voice to our…
Who doesn’t love a new school year? It’s a fresh start – a new beginning, with the opportunity to get to know a whole new group of children and help them grow and learn throughout…
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss Dr. Seuss clearly knew a thing or two about the importance…
You’ve probably heard the phrase “kids say the darndest things.” But if you are a teacher, parent, or have spent any time around a child, you know it’s true. Kids will make you laugh, shock…
Center time is every child’s favorite part of the day. It’s their time to be architects and build block towers at the carpet, or be artists and create masterpieces at the easel, or be paleontologists…