To see all the members of your group, click the Members tab. From this page, you can see a complete list of all coaches and learners in your group. You can invite new members or remove members to keep the list current.
Viewing Member Details
To access individual member details, click the “View Info” button from the member list. You will see information related to that member’s profile data including their name, email address, school information, role, and more. A member can update this information on their own using the Profile Edit feature.
Viewing Course Progress
As a Coach, you need to follow each group members’ progress so you know how to scaffold and support their learning. From the Insights tab, you can view a snapshot report of the course progress for your entire group. In this section, you will see all the courses for each track offered on the Cox Campus, and can change your track view by using the dropdown menu. To the right of each member’s name, you will see which courses they currently have in progress highlighted in yellow and ones that are completed highlighted in green. You can print this progress report at any time by clicking the “Print” button in the right-hand corner.